
List of Tasks ... Too Bad For You - Stop Complaining

Amanda - Website, Flash interactive thingy (you know what you're doing...even if I have no idea)

Jesse - 3D Modeling - make a video of it turning around and send it to Amanda so she can do the Flash interactive scope for it (ask her - not me - if you're confused because I have no idea how to use Flash)

Vijayant - Design the device - send this to Jesse; also, please write REASONS as to WHY someone should pick our product over Apple's, Sony's etc. Please see #7 of the discussion called "Final Project for DMA 188" on the Facebook group "DMA Ninja Marines of Seneca".

Mike - Research and Development, Interactivity Matrix > Research other MP3 players (LIST YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and see what works, what does not. This should have already been done when we were coming up with ideas for the features of the device. Please write the "Function" column of the matrix (detailed) and send it to ME - laura.nicole@mac.com

Andrew - Research and Development, Interactivity Matrix > Research other MP3 players (LIST YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and see what works, what does not. This should have already been done when we were coming up with ideas for the features of the device. Please write the "Benefit" part of the matrix (detailed) and send it to ME - laura.nicole@mac.com

Laura - Site Map, Interactivity Matrix - I'll be doing the site map and sending it to Amanda. I will also be doing some R&D then writing the "Feature" section of the Matrix as well as all that crap in between (interface, driver, tactile, audio, visual, etc). Yes, lucky me.

Please comment on this post to say that you have read it.
If you do not ... I may have to hurt you.
^^^ The Matrix. Please note that this is NOT THE COMPLETE MATRIX. There's more added to the bottom of it - which I have in my notebook and will scan in at a later date. ^^^


Laura Nicole said...

I read it.

Because I wrote it.

Aurora said...

Dude, how come we're allowed to comment now? O_o

Laura Nicole said...

I read your post about not being able to comment and was like, "Oh yeeeah" and then enabled it. It's only for members of this blog though, so you have to be signed in to post a comment on someone's post.

Jesse Abraham said...

I did not read it. I highly suggest a baseball-bat (Aluminum). Hit Vj ! :p

The McBeats Representative said...

i read it, and i'm on it!

Killer Bunny Samurai said...

Hey mann I have viewed the interactivity matrix thingy! no need for me to get hit with any "aluminum bats" I would say =).....

Ps. You are gonna get HURT Jesse Boi

Killer Bunny Samurai said...

oo yeahh and I HAVE Read of what my task is! Thank you Come-Again!