
Page Edits

Alright, added. If anyone needs any other edits done to the page just let me know. Oh yeah, btw,  awesome job Jesse.

I actually had an interesting design for an MP3 player drawn up on the last test so I have a few ideas myself, mostly involving features, benefits and usability. I can try to redraw the diagrams or wait until he hands back the midterms.

Here are a few of the ideas I had:
  • Solar power panels - stores up power to use when the battery runs out and allows the MP3 player to run for a bit more time
  • Different modes for radio and stored media - When the tuning button is turned left it activates AM radio stations and when turned right it activates FM radio stations
  • And 'Edit' switch - so that the internal folders cannot be accidentally accessed when skimming through music
+ more

And I find it annoying how we cannot comment on each other's posts...

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